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"I was a yoga newbie but Jodie was great at easing me in to it and offered different levels of poses for beginners and advance which I'm looking forward to building up to! I also felt my muscles were really worked as felt it the next day! Looking forward to real classes but still enjoying it on zoom!"
Katie, Rotherham
“I’ve been attending Jodie’s yoga classes since the end of last year. I love the weekly sessions and they definitely help me to feel calm and balanced. The class is a nice mix of age groups and everyone is really lovely, especially Jodie who is a fantastic teacher.”
Zenka, Sheffield
A review from my Introduction to Yoga course:
“Thankyou for the excellent yoga workshop. It has been very informative and useful to try and improve on the postures we use in class. Great tips on how to modify the postures if necessary but also how to be more aware of the correct alignment to try and achieve.”
Christine, Rotherham
"This was my first time doing yoga, not just with Jodie, but ever. Although I'm a complete novice, it was just right as Jodie did a good job of adapting the routine to suit different capabilities within the same group. I kept my camera off as I had visions of falling all over the place but no judgement was made and I'm proud to say with jodies guidance I didn't fall over once!"
Ella, Rotherham
"I love Jodie’s classes, easy to follow and I always feel better after them. Great for all levels of experience."
Kelly, Rotherham
"Fab first time of Yoga this morning with Jodie. Really enjoyed it and feel lovely and relaxed and stretched afterwards. Would highly recommend."
Lynsey, Rotherham
"I really enjoyed the class with jodie, she leads the class really well and gives alternative options if you want more of a challenge. I found her really easy to follow as a beginner and would highly recommend her."
Emma, Rotherham
“My daughter asked me to come along to yoga with her. As I am in the older age range with arthritic knees I wasn’t sure my body would cope! However even though my poses leave much to be desired I feel so much better and less stiff. I am really enjoying the classes and Jodie is a lovely teacher. She gives alternative options for the poses according to ability allowing you to go at your own pace. In just a few weeks we have definitely benefited from attending and hopefully will continue to improve. Thankyou Jodie”
Christine, Rotherham
“Just had my first class with Jodie. I have never been to a yoga class before and thought it was brilliant! Super relaxing x”
Jess, Sheffield
“Brilliant classes, Jodie is welcoming and professional. She provides alternative versions of each pose to suit different abilities so the classes are suitable for beginners as well as regulars. Would definitely recommend!”
Stacey, Rotherham
“I would recommend Jodie for anyone starting out with Yoga, I was a beginner and have really enjoyed her classes, there seems to be people of mixed abilities but you are given options to suit your level, thanks Jodie.”
Caroline, Rotherham
A review from my Introduction to Yoga course:
“I’ve really enjoyed the yoga course. I’ve done bits of yoga over the years (mainly pregnancy yoga!) but I usually find you have to “hit the ground running” so to speak and just work out the postures for yourself so it’s been good to go back to basics and get more deeply into the postures and check that I’m doing them correctly! I also found it interesting to learn more about the history of yoga and how to apply breathing/mindfulness into everyday life. I find your classes very friendly and inclusive and like that you give different options according to ability or how you’re feeling on the day.”
Gemma, Rotherham
Part of a review from my Introduction to Yoga course:
“Thank you so much for the recent course. It has relit my desire for daily practice.”
Lorraine, Rotherham
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